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Apocalypse Now

Exhibition view, Apocalypse Now, 2017. Photograph courtesy Zippora Elders.

Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen (NL)
Solo exhibition

This glowing pink artistic intervention in the fortress by Morten Barker is made up of frames from the eponymous war classic Apocalypse Now (1979) and is on view until the 1st of July. 

Apoc­a­lypse Now is one of the works from Bark­er’s Terra Nul­lius se­ries. The image is made up of frames from di­rector Francis Ford Cop­po­la’s epony­mous war classic from 1979. In the film a crazed colonel is falling deeper and deeper into the horror of the Vietnam War.

Robin Barry of Mister Motley wrote a beautiful piece about Morten Barker's Apocalypse Now! (2017), one of the interventions currently in the Kunstfort. The text is in Dutch.

Apocalypse Now, 2017

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