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New work to be exhibited this coming November at  VÆG - Contemporary Art Gallery


30 November 2018 – 17 March 2019
exhibition opening: Friday, 30 November 2019, at 19:00

artists: Adel Abdessemed, Sarah Abu Abdallah, Mounira Al Solh, Nika Autor, Morten Barker, Nataša Berk, Ana Dana Beroš, Jasmina Cibic, Cao Fei, Vadim Fishkin, Tanja Lažetić, Nina Mangalanayagam, Emeka Ogboh, Agnieszka Polska, Hrair Sarkissian, Massinisa Selmani
curator: Simona Vidmar; curatorial assistant: Jure Kirbiš


Brandts (DK)
31.8.2018 - 30.12.2018

Pho­tog­ra­phy has al­ways been closely linked to the re­al­ity it de­picts. But what does it look like when, in the dig­i­tal age, artists cre­ate pho­tographs that are the re­sult of se­ri­ous ma­nip­u­la­tion on a
com­puter? The Pho­tog­ra­phy Bi­en­nale 2018 gives us an im­pres­sion of post-pho­to­graphic pho­tog­ra­phy. The par­tic­i­pat­ing artists all cre­ate amaz­ing pho­tographs that are al­most im­pos­si­ble to dis­tin­guish from re­al­ity. But on closer in­spec­tion, the pho­tos re­veal the most sur­pris­ing de­tails that make us doubt whether we can en­tirely trust our own eyes.

Artists: Lykke An­der­sen, Thomas Bang­sted, Morten Barker, Kelli Conell, Keith Cot­ting­ham, Filip Du­jardin, Jean­nette Ehlers, Peter Funch, Niklas Gold­bach, Beate Gütschow, Craig Kalpakjian, Yang Yong Liang, Ger­hard Mantz, Osamu James Nak­a­gawa, Robert Over­weg, Jes­per Ras­mussen, Johan Rosen­munthe, Eva Sten­ram, Myne Søe-Ped­er­sen, Ryan Tre­cartin, Ebbe Stubb Wit­trup.



Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center (HU)
April 19 – May 19, 2018

In the exhibition Action at a Distance, the site becomes a resource of research, experience of time, and mythological heritage; it creates an environment for the process of discovering and exploring.

Exhibiting artists: Morten Barker, Emanuel Cederqvist, Philipp Meuser

Morten Barker‘s work Hirosima Mon Amour is inspired by the movie of the same name by Alain Resnais. Just like the film is a story told in dialogue between Him and Her, the image can be observed as a visual conversation between two different origins - terrestrian (post nuclear explosion Hirosima) and lunar. This work connects the observed and constructed landscape, a structure that created a certain order, leading to human experience. Text by Gintarė Krasuckaitė

The exhibition was realised as the part of the PARALLEL European Photography Platform project.



VÆG - Contemporary Art Gallery (DK)
3 MARCH - 2 APRIL, 2018

VÆG Contemporary Art Gallery are pleased to present for the first time: a solo show with photographer Morten Barker + featuring new ceramics by Rikke Elgaard.

Barker will exhibit a wide range of strong photos selected from his most recent years. The focal point is the landscape. Barker takes us to unknown territory – to anonymous military shooting grounds. He shows us how complex and fragile the nature is, he manipulates and plays with the scenes in warfilms – inviting us into almost dreamy landscapes.

We look forward to seeing you.
Regards, Lars Bonde



23 JUNE - 1 OCTOBER, 2017

The Still Point of the Turning World: Between Film and Photography
The photographic image is imbued with stillness. No movement, no sound, no time. But what happens if you add one of these missing elements? The exhibition Between Film and Photography focuses on that rare moment in which a photographer turns towards film or a video artist turns towards photography. What beauty can be found on the borders between ?

The exhibition highlights works that are based on photography’s relation to the appearance of the everyday and the process of that appearance and shows both video-installations and photographic works.

Artists include: Jeff Wall, Mark Lewis, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Raqs Media Collective, David Claerbout, Paul Graham, Guido Guidi, Morten Barker, Ana Torfs, Duane Michals, Eadweard Muybridge, John Stezaker, Dirk Braeckman, Louis Lumiere, Lisa Oppenheim, John Smith and more.

Curators: David Campany & Joachim Naudts



Viborg Kunsthal (DK)
15. september - 26. november 2017

I sit kunstneriske virke undersøger og afsøger Morten Barker (f. 1972) grænser for, hvordan billedet forvrænger den virkelighed vi kender. Med udgangspunkt i fotografiet tager Barker afsæt i krigsfilmens landskaber, som artikuleres gennem det fiktive og det dokumentariske, og hvilke potentialer – tekniske, såvel som fortællende – værkerne rummer. Igennem digital manipulation og sampling af screen shots skaber kunstneren en tvetydighed, hvor geografi, dybdeskarphed og tid er udvisket, og hvor udtrykket artikulerer et fragmentarisk, fiktivt og fremmedgørende krigslandskab.

Udstillingen Terra Nullius der vises på Viborg Kunsthal, består af en række serielle kameraløse billeder, hvor Barker gennem en dekonstruktion af velkendte krigsfilm bryder med det filmiske narrativ. I udstillingen sættes der spørgsmålstegn ved kunstnerautoritet, autenticitet og forholdet mellem værk og betragter, da Barker leger med de tvetydige referencer – billederne repræsenterer og skildrer noget, som betragteren allerede har set før, men hvor det originale materiale ikke kan lokaliseres. Hvert billede er stykket sammen af flere scener fra samme film, hvor geografi, tid og dybdeskarphed er udvisket, og hvor udtrykket formulerer et fremmedgørende, eller snarere et drømmende landskab. 



KH7artspace (DK)
27. maj - 24. juni 2016

Gruppeudstillingen "Hello!" by KH7 er udformet som en umiddelbar inviterende gestus for at præsentere huset, udstillingsrummet og husets kunstnere for offentligheden. Det overordnede greb for udstillingen er at vise værker på gulv. Hver af husets deltagende kunstnere kuraterer et eget værk ind i gruppesammenhængen, og under en kollektiv process installeres værkerne på gulvet i udstillingsrummet. Hello! by KH7 består derfor af en række forskelligartede værker på tværs af medier og tematikker. 

Deltagende Kunstnere: Iben West, Nalini Printz, Louise Sparre, Nat Bloch Gregersen, Maya Stefania, Jette Gejl, Morten Barker, Birgitte Munk og Kim Grønborg



Art Herning (DK)
29. - 31. januar 2016

Søndag 31 januar kl 13.00:  Morten Barker Artist Talk med Ole Bak Jacobsen fra Kunsten.nu

Morten Barker opdaterer i sin fotografiske praksis den danske guldalders landskabsskildringer. Når han ‘skyder’ og sampler sine billeder fra militære øvelsesterræner opstår et foruroligende clash mellem kronhjorten og kampvognen - mellem en romantisk dansk selvforståelse og den paradoksale ‘oversete’ eller ‘fortrængte’ realitet, at Danmark optræder som krigsførende nation.


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